How to write a (pre-)filter - a little follow-up

Anna Föglein anna at
Fri Mar 16 13:45:49 CET 2007

Hi again,

> You don't need a filter for this. If your script can be called
> as simply as "miprint file_to_print", then create a pseudo/special
> printer and define its command to "miprint %in". The script will
> be fed with a temporary postscript file, kdeprint will take care
> of the temporary file creation and removal.

Tried, tested, works. :-) The command editor also seems to have a way of 
including optional arguments (%filterargs?) - does this work with this 
solution as well? (e.g. it would be nice to be able to include a "-P" flag if 
I want to print on the "private" printing quota, or "-r <hostname>" if the 
Sun that I usually log on to is down for a change...)
Actually asking you all this bit by bit is probably getting on your nerves, so 
is there any kind of documentation out there for this kind of thing?


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