Custom CUPS installation and KDEPRINT

Jan Van Belle Jan.Van_Belle at
Wed Apr 28 09:59:27 CEST 2004

        Hello all,

        I am trying to get CUPS and KDEPRINT work together on my Solaris
workstation. Since I am not root, I have modified the IPP port of CUPS from
631 to 8631 (in the cupsd.conf file).

When I select Peripherals->Printers from the configuration, I get a box with
'Initializing' and 'Connected to localhost:631' and stay there (forever??).
However: the network doesn't have a CUPS server (way too modern ;-) ) and no
service at socket 631. My cupsd is listening to socket 8631.

In Konqueror, localhost:631 gives an error, whereas localhost:8631 gives me
the Configuration pages of my CUPS system. 

So, my question: 

--> how can I tell KDE to search on its localhost:8631 instead of
localhost:631 ?


Kind regards,


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