[Foomatic] Printer driver UI [proposal]

Robert L Krawitz kde-print@mail.kde.org
Thu, 13 Mar 2003 20:46:07 -0500

   Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 16:48:17 +0100 (CET)
   From: Johannes Meixner <jsmeix@suse.de>

   > My first idea was to put the XML data in comments at the end of
   > the PPD file, as Foomatic did. This is compliant with PPD specs.

   It is only syntactically compliant with PPD specs. but this way you
   could have any proprietary format and call it a PPD file because
   you could hide all information as comments.

Agreed, which is why we either need a new description format or a
standardized extension to PPD files.

Robert Krawitz                                     <rlk@alum.mit.edu>      

Tall Clubs International  --  http://www.tall.org/ or 1-888-IM-TALL-2
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- mail lpf@uunet.uu.net
Project lead for Gimp Print   --    http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net

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