Filters not available

Kurt Pfeifle
Thu, 07 Nov 2002 22:27:07 +0100

Fabian Uffer wrote:

> Hi
> I'm wondering what are the requirements for using the filter system. For 
> example I get the error "Unavailable: requirements not satisfied" if I chose 
> for example the enscript text filter.

It means that KDEPrint can't find the enscript executable in the search
path for executable files for the current user. enscript is not shipped
with KDE or KDEPrint. It is expected to be present on the system (and, in
fact is on most, because it is a "classic" tool to convert ASCII text to

If you select a filter (in "kprinter --> Properties... --> Filter tab -->
funnel icon --> select filter -->...") you'll have this info on the bottom
half of the tab:

    Name: enscript
    Requirements: exec:/enscript
    Input: text/html, text/plain, text/sgml, text/x-c++hdr, text/x-c++src,
           text/x-chdr, text/x-csrc, text/x-java, text/x-makefile, text/x-pascal,
           text/x-perl, text/x-python, text/x-tcl, text/x-tex, text/xml,
    Output: application/postscript

The "Requirements" line means: kprinter needs to find the executable "enscript"
in order to use this filter...

(The other lines mean: "I can use the listed MIME types as input and produce
PostScript as output for you".)

Test for the presence of "enscript" on the command line of a konsole window
by issueing "which enscript"...

> I get the same error for most of the 
> Filters.

Same applies here.

Which filters do *not* give an error?

> I searched the kde printing page and also the mailinglist and couldn't find an 
> answer.
> I'm running Gentoo 1.4rc1 with kde 3.1 beta2.
> Pleass cc me, I'm not subscribed to the mailinglist.
> Thanks in advance
> Fab
