[Kde-print-devel] The New Ghostscript

Gavin Beatty gavinbeatty at gmail.com
Sat Aug 4 20:26:36 CEST 2007


Might I swing everyone over to this page?:

Of particular note:
This new version contains (...) all built-in printer drivers listed in
the OpenPrinting database, (...)

It's unclear to me whether this means 1) "all drivers" or 2) "all
drivers for which OpenPrinting host LSB RPMs".

1) means my GSoC project is completely redundant.

2) means the "install driver" part is redundant. There are still many
drivers listed on OpenPrinting for which they only provide a URL to
sourceforge etc. It's far less useful for the user to just get a URL.
In fact, one might say there is no need to for the wizard I have been
developing at all - a simple link to the OpenPrinting database search
engine would suffice.

Needless to say, the new ghostscript will find its way into distros
"soon". Perhaps before KDE4.0 does. I believe we're in freeze for
adding my work so 4.1 is the target. :|

I'm currently asking on the printing-foomatic and printint-discuss
mailing lists of OpenPrinting. I can't seem to find a mailing list for
the new GPL Ghostscript - does anyone know of one?



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