Copyright holders email addresses

Jaison Lee lee.jaison at
Sun Jun 11 15:06:58 CEST 2006

> It should be (c). I don't remember what we concluded in another mailing list
> about the forced use of non-ASCII characters in every file.

Well, it does not *have* to be (c). At least not for US copyright:

The word "Copyright" is legally acceptable, and shows up correctly in
every locale. :)

The only thread I was able to find was this one:
but I'm not taking that as canon because the advice there is to use
(C) and that is not a legally useful symbol. You yourself pointed out
that all files are in UTF-8, and I would add that we have many, many
contributors that have names that require non-ASCII characters. Even
so, since (c) is not necessary, I don't see the point of forcing a
change just to be pretty.

Right now, the best policy would be to:

1) Require the word 'Copyright'.
2) Accept but do not force the use of (c).
3) Eliminate all occurrances of (C) on the grounds that it is misleading.

Does something like this need to be okayed by KDE e.V.? How formal is
the submission process?

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