KDE-policies about "Hotspot" on kde.org main website

Dirk Mueller dmuell at gmx.net
Thu May 27 19:12:03 CEST 2004

On Thursday 27 May 2004 15:28, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:

> Do we rule out commercial ads there?

Since most of our bandwidth and servers are sponsored by community members and 
organizsation, it would be imho a bad move to put a banner ad on our main 
page, especially when we request donations from our users to be able to 
finance the project. 

That said, I think there cannot be made a fair decision without knowing who 
the sponsor is, how much they sponsor, what the ad looks like etc. 

IMHO we can put up a hotspot pointing to a page with akademy sponsors without 
any hassle. 


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