KDE-policies about "Hotspot" on kde.org main website

Andreas Pour pour at mieterra.com
Thu May 27 17:49:37 CEST 2004

Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> [crossposting -- not sure whom to ask...]
> Hi,
> I don't know if there is an established policy about
> the "Hotspot" link on the KDE main website and on
> other sub-sites.
> Do we rule out commercial ads there?
> Would it be OK to offer this to a major sponsor for
> aKademy for the period of 8 (mainly consecutive)
> weeks around aKademy? (This wouldn't be exactly an
> ad, but similar to it...)


My personal opinion is, it would be beneficient if one could provide the
image/graphic for the event and then include in text below it:  "Thanks to Our
Sponsor [NAME/LINK HERE]" or something similar.

I would not be in favor of a graphic ad for someone on the hotspot (though if
there is a second-level page internally for the event, I think it would be OK to
put a graphic sponsor logo there).



  Democracy . . . not only demands the right but imposes
  the responsibility of thinking for ourselves.

  For in the last analysis, all tyranny rests on fraud, on
  getting someone to accept false assumptions, and any man
  who for one moment abandons or suspends the questioning
  spirit has for that moment betrayed humanity.

  -- Bergen Evans, "A Tale of a Tub" (1946)

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