advert on webcvs

Christopher Molnar molnarc at
Thu Feb 26 04:24:42 CET 2004

Yup, I am on the list (unfortunately can only read email when I am at 
home or in office). I agree with what is being suggested in your note. 
This makes a lot of sense and allows individual contributors to have a 
little leeway.

Thanks for the great feedback and discussions from everyone!


On Feb 25, 2004, at 5:30 PM, Olaf Jan Schmidt wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> [Andreas Pour, Mi 25.02. 2004 22:54:22]
>> A compromise might be:  redirect from the domain to the actual
>> domain.
> I think this is a very good suggestion. It has advantages for the 
> sponsor
> as well: If we redirect to his/her domain, then everyone can see who is
> sponsoring this service for KDE. A prominent link back to the home page
> would not even feel like a advertisement and would certainly draw more
> people to the sponsor's home page than something that looks like an
> advertisement.
> We could then also introduce some new redirects (,
> and without suggesting that those are in 
> any
> way controlled by KDE. For those subdomains that are really controlled 
> by
> KDE we should also encourage use of the style to remove the
> layout inconsistencies.
> I believe making the difference between sites controlled by KDE and 
> sites
> that are individual contributions for KDE is important not only to 
> avoid
> the impression that KDE e.V. is selling advertisments (which is is not
> allowed to IIRC), but more importantly also to properly acknowledge 
> those
> that run these sponsored sites.
> I am cc'ing Christopher as I do not know whether he is on this list.
> Olaf
> - --
> Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
> KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of
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