advert on webcvs

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at
Wed Feb 25 07:18:43 CET 2004

Hash: SHA1

if this is a bit out-of-sync with the thread, please excuse me. i'm only 
catching my personal mail every couple of days right now, which is quite 
disorienting for me .. heh...

On February 24, 2004 02:29, Andreas Pour wrote:
> Whoever linked to with, what is the thinking
> there?  And what is the advert policy?  IIRC this decision was made
> by someone and at somepoint discussed on kde-sysadmin only.

here's how i perceive it:

all the core KDE websites that represent the project such as,, etc ... should not have ads on them. there is nothing to 
gain from it and it only detracts from our message.

however, for sites such as kde-[look|apps].org which also have a * 
alias that are privately hosted and are not core informational repositories 
for the KDE project i don't see the harm. the fact is that we have and today because of sponsorship, which translates 
into banners.

our choices are pretty obvoius: have the community sites and accept the 
reality that comes with being able to support them (e.g. in some cases 
banners), fund them ourselves (would be nice, isn't a current reality), or 
not have them. i'd prefer the second option, as i'm sure most would. i don't 
think anyone would like the last option. so we are left, at least for now, 
with the first option. 

and everyone is winning from it. it's not like anybody is making money off of 
it, anyways, and even if they were, i probably wouldn't really care.

to whit, and have used the KDE name for a long time and 
have been a commercial interest for a long time and when/if they come back 
will do so with sponsorship. i see as being far more sensitive an 
issue than which simply points to

we need to do as much as we can to support community efforts without 
compromising our "values" and objectives, and we can achieve that without 
blanket statement proclamations that cover every *.kde.* domain in the world, 
especially when we aren't personally taking responsibility for of the 
maintenence and support of all of them but do reap their benefits.

KDE is about the community and our users, not just a central authority known 
as The KDE Project, right? 

wow. there i go being long winded again.

- -- 
Aaron J. Seigo
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