Web cvs

Christopher Molnar molnarc at pandmservices.com
Wed Feb 25 02:37:32 CET 2004

Did you see the actual link:


Please support one of our Sponsors: OurWorldShopping.com


This is the same information that is on the contributors page, under 
every person, or company that provides web, ftp services.


On Feb 24, 2004, at 8:27 PM, Daniel Molkentin wrote:

> On Wednesday 25 February 2004 02:19, Christopher Molnar wrote:
>> This is not final, but this is to make anyone who is complaining
>> understand completly that the server is not a KDE server, KDE has NO
>> RIGHT to make demands on how things are displayed, I can and will take
>> my toys and go home.
> [...]
>> Yet, it is unbelievable to me that I have had to read a tirade of
>> emails demanding that I make the server "free" and demand that I take 
>> a
>> 1 line link off of the server. If this is the case than KDE needs to
>> remove all of the links off of the contributions page. They are all
>> advertisements.
> Ok, the only actual problem is that advertisements under the KDE 
> Domain mean
> that KDE e.V. (as the actual domain "owner") could be made responsible 
> for
> advertisements.
>> It is open for discussion, but I did not see any discussion in any of
>> the prior messages I just saw complaints.
> Ok, the basic question is: Could KDE e.V. be held liable for anything
> associated with advertisement and did I overlook other issues why it 
> was
> decided not to have sponsoring on *.kde.org websites and: what do we 
> do about
> themes.kde.org being an alias for kde-look.org. This is somewhat more
> problematic since kde-look might contain copyrighed material. But for 
> webcvs
> we either ask the e.V. Board to acknowledge the banner or we either 
> thank
> Chris for his hosting and move the stuff to an ad-free server and move 
> along.
> Does this sound acceptable to everyone?
> Cheers,
>   Daniel
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