Suggested policy (was: Re: Apollon soon in kde-extragear)

Andreas Pour pour at
Fri Feb 13 17:58:11 CET 2004

Rob Kaper wrote:

[ ... ]

> > In Brazil, the very simple fact of having softwares like Kazaa and mldonkey
> > installed is enough to convict you since a new copyright law was enacted last
> > year. (Stupid law, yes, but nevertheless it is the law)
> Those laws are not relevant[1], only relevant are the laws for the physical
> location of the CVS servers and the developer committing code.

Perhaps it might make sense to at least list possible legal concerns re:
software in a "DISTRIBUTORS" file so that packagers can consult it and find
things they might leave out (e.g., mp3 players (patent), GIF compressors
(patent, expired in some places), KHTML (Eolas patent, CSS-1 patent), KMLDonkey
(copyright+), CDBakeOven (copyright+), etc.).

One would have to have some disclaimer of course that KDE is not responsible for
the accuracy or completeness of the list but at least it would provide some help
to distributors (and perhaps provide a competitive edge over others who do not
provide this helpful information).



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