Suggested policy (was: Re: Apollon soon in kde-extragear)

Rob Kaper cap at
Fri Feb 13 14:07:30 CET 2004

On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 10:38:54AM -0200, Roberto Selbach Teixeira wrote:
> I agree. This also says that if it were for me, kmldonkey should be
> removed from CVS.

I prefer a policy where the maintainer makes a clear statement, preferably
continuously online *and* in the import log message *and* in the software's
README, that he has investigated any possible copyright issues and has
concluded not to be in violation.

Atlantik is a legal risk but we've all agreed my investigation of the
Monopoly copyright < > was
sufficient to have it in KDE.

> > Remember that since last year, downloading music from copy-proptected CDs
> > is clearly illegal in Germany, where the KDE CVS server are hosted.
> In Brazil, the very simple fact of having softwares like Kazaa and mldonkey 
> installed is enough to convict you since a new copyright law was enacted last 
> year. (Stupid law, yes, but nevertheless it is the law)

Those laws are not relevant[1], only relevant are the laws for the physical
location of the CVS servers and the developer committing code. Perhaps we
should contact my ISP whether they would assist us. They have an *excellent*
track record in matters like these:

Fabrice, think we should try to get in touch with them?

Rob Kaper     | 2/13 Shaggable Sluts 2/17 Blink-182, 2/29 Anti-Flag
cap at | 3/5  Anti-Flag/Heideroosjes, 3/19 The Offspring | 3/24 Good Riddance/None More Black, 5/14 Disney
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