P2P file sharing software in KDE's CVS

Martijn Klingens martijn at martijn.homeip.net
Sat Sep 13 15:16:39 CEST 2003

On Friday 12 September 2003 16:07, Scott Wheeler wrote:
> I personally don't think it's wise to have P2P software in KDE's CVS. 
> Aside from all "right or wrong" or "legal or illegal" debates, I see having
> P2P software in KDE's CVS repository as a legal liability that's
> unnecessary and potentially puts the project in a situation where it's
> primary goals -- shipping a high quality Open Source desktop -- could be
> compremised by something that isn't one of its primary goals.

The same can be said about KMplayer then, because nobody uses it without the 
proprietary codecs...

Anyway, mldonkey is split between a daemon and a frontend. I don't know 
kmldonkey, but if it ONLY provides the frontend and relies on the daemon from 
the main website I really don't think it's a problem. Although the GUI is the 
visible part to most people it's the daemon that does the P2P grunt work and 
I don't think anyone would sue the people who only build a little GUI.


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