P2P file sharing software in KDE's CVS

Stephan Binner binner at kde.org
Fri Sep 12 20:05:22 CEST 2003

On Friday 12 September 2003 16:07, Scott Wheeler wrote:

> A couple of the guys (on CC here) brought up on IRC the possibility of

I heard that IRC's DCC can be also used to exchange illegal copies.
Do you suggest to remove all IRC clients too?

> I don't even think that having such software *is* illegal or wrong, but I'm
> not convinced that this would stop a potential law suit that could harm the

Do you think that the general use of this software is illegal or wrong? Like 
downloading newest ISO images of Knoppix and Mandrake release candidates?


PS: Knifes can kill politicians, why are they still not prohibited?

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