Unresponsiveness (was: Re: violation of GPL for solaris binaries)

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Mon Nov 3 17:46:13 CET 2003

Hash: SHA1

[David Faure]
> He said "a few kde members", what's the relation with sysadmin@? You're
> mixing everything. The right place for portability patches is
> kde-core-devel, not the inboxes of a few developers who won't know what
> to do with patches about code they have never seen before. If you send
> stuff to the wrong place, don't complain.

I was under the impression that Stefan had contacted sysadmin for getting 
an account. I wrote that mail when I was quite tired. Sorry.

> > My brother Gunnar also experienced this unresponsiveness: He sent an
> > enquiry to sysadmin at kde.org asking why he was deprived of access to
> > the KDE Accessibility mailing list administration. He is official
> > maintainer of that list, so it obviously must have been a mistake. We
> > didn't receive any answer yet.
> And I haven't seen that mail at all. I just did a search through the
> list, and there's no such mail.

I thought he cc'ed sysadmin, but he only wrote to owner at bugs.kde.org and 
bastian at kde.org. Sorry again for the confusion.

> Most sysadmins are volunteers, and still all requests are handled.

I did not want to personally attack anyone. I should have referred to KDE 
in general, not just sysadmin.

> I find your complaints very unfounded.

I agree the wording of my mail was bad. But several of my mails to 
sysadmin DID get lost a few months ago, and Gunnar's mail to 
owner at bugs.kde.org and to bastian at kde.org WAS ignored. 

My aim was not to to accuse the people active at the sysadmin list,
I simply wanted to tell Stefan that no one intentionally ignored him, that 
unresponsiveness just happens in the KDE project, and that it has 
happened to other people as well.

This is not meant as an accusation - as one of the few people answering 
mails sent to webmaster at kde.org, I include myself here. It is just a fact 
that in a volunteers project, mails are more often ignored than they 
should be.

Anyway, whom should we contact if mails to owner at bugs.kde.org are ignored? 

And why was the accessibility mailing list changed to be solely 
administered by bastian at kde.org? It would be nice if someone could change 
this back to gunnar at schmi-dt.de, and add me, since Bastian hasn't 
answered to Gunnar's enquiry.


- -- 
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org

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