violation of GPL for solaris binaries

Klas Kalass klas.kalass at
Sun Nov 2 11:24:56 CET 2003

What do other people think of this? 

Additionally to the patch issues it should 

If the 

Am Samstag, 1. November 2003 08:24 schrieb Philip Brown:
> I have noticed that you redistribute binaries of kde 3.1.3 for solaris, at
> The binaries claim to be compiled with sun forte, which seems to be true.
> However, kde 3.1.3 does not normally compile with sun forte. Therefore,
> some additional modification to the source code had to have been required
> to generate the binaries.
> I have emailed the contributor,
> Stefan Teleman
> steleman at
> asking him that he make the patches available to me.
> He does not deny that that are patches neccessary. However, he claims that
> the GPL puts him under no obligation to provide me with the patches.
> I have attempted to point out to him that this is not true. However, he has
> threatened me with legal action if I contact him again.
> This leaves me only with the binaries that you are redistributing on his
> behalf.  According to the GPL, I believe you need to now do one of the
> following:
> a) assert under that directory that no further patches are needed to
>    the standard KDE 3.1.3 distribution, to compile with sun forte.
>    [which I belive is not true]
> b) provide the patches required in that area
>    [the single file in the "PATCHES" directory does NOT cover this]
> c) Have some reference in that directory to point the user to a place
>    where the required patches may be acquired
> d) remove the binaries from your site, and associated mirror sites,
>    since without the patches, their distribution violates the GPL.

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