KDE CVS Commit Policy

Richard Moore rich at xmelegance.org
Mon May 19 22:18:39 CEST 2003

On Sunday 18 May 2003 22:01, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> At http://developer.kde.org/policies/commitpolicy.html you will now find
> the KDE CVS Commit Policy.

I generally find this sort of document a nightmare, but this is actually spot 
on! Well done. :-)



> This policy has been created and discussed on the kde-policies mailing
> list and should reflect what the KDE developer community considers to
> be the rules for commits to the KDE CVS repository. The document
> doesn't contain any new rules. It just collects what previously was
> scattered around at various locations or wasn't written down at all.
> The document will hopefully be a useful guideline for new developers and
> a gentle reminder for old ones.

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