KDE CVS Commit Policy

Nicolas Goutte nicolasg at snafu.de
Mon Jun 9 16:50:22 CEST 2003

On Sunday 08 June 2003 21:46, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> nicolasg at snafu.de schrieb am Sonntag, den 08. Juni 2003:
> > I want to protest about the point 19 (no CVS keywords) and especially to
> > have changed the KDE CVS so that CVS keywords does not work anymore.
> We didn't change CVS so that CVS keywords don't work anymore. In fact, I'm
> trying:
> koffice/filters/kword/rtf/export $ grep Revision ExportFilter.cc
>     QString revision("$Revision: 2.54 $");
> koffice/filters/kword/rtf/export $ cvsversion ExportFilter.cc
> 2.54
> Looks like its working for me. In fact, wether or not CVS keywords are
> expanded pretty much depends on your -k setting you used during checkout
> the module (there is a way to make the magic word expansion mode sticky but
> thats not done for your filters as far as I can see).

Sorry, the file that made problems works again now. I do not understand...

> BTW, the point was about $Id$ (cvsversion does the same) and $Log$ (just
> bloating the files and making merging very complicated).

Well, for $Log$ I can understand. For $Id$ (and $Header$) I am less sure.

I often make copies of the files I am working on. The advantage of having 
$Header$ in the file is that even months later, you know which revision it is 
based on. Without $Id$ and $Header$ you need to copy also the CVS 
sub-directory to have this information.

Of course, I can understand that CVS keywords are not wanted in public 
headers, as it would force the person who is commiting to re-compile many 

> > Also point 18: flex and bison should *not* be assumed. Automake/autoconf
> > can only deal with yacc/lex-compatibility.
> Well, it _says_ that one should not assume flex/bison:
> <quote>
> Tools which shouldn't be a requirement for building KDE include lex/flex,
> yacc/bison, python, ruby etc.
> </quote>

Sorry, I misread the sentence.

However in this case, KOffice does not follow this point. It assumes flex, 
bison and python. (Of course, you build KOffice compile without python.)

Have a nice day!

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