[kde-announce] KDE Security Advisory: Konqueror Referer Authentication Leak

Simon Hausmann hausmann at kde.org
Tue Jul 29 16:05:46 CEST 2003

On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 02:46:29PM +0200, Rob Kaper wrote:
> Please do not reply with the "black hat", "white hat", "Red Hat" arguments.
> I am fully aware of it and - to a certain degree - can even follow the
> logic, up to the point where it breaks:
> Why should users of system A have an extended period of vulnerability
> because system B has a slow packaging and distribution process? There is a
> *reason* I run a vanilla Slackware with many compilations from source:
> source tarballs are faster to fix than waiting for new packages. That is, in
> a world were source tarballs don't depend on the availability of binary
> packages.

I believe the majority of the KDE users are using binaries. For them
it's not faster to fix source tarballs.


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