Policy for contributions to www.kde.org

Neil Stevens kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Thu, 30 Jan 2003 18:49:51 -0800

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday January 30, 2003 03:32, Andreas Pour wrote:
> Hi,
> I also do not think the one-license model is workable.  We already have
> enough of a hard time getting people to improve kde.org, forcing a
> religion on them is not the way to improve that.  OTOH a guidlines of
> acceptable licenses would be a good approach.

KDE Documentation seems pretty uniform around the GNU FDL.  Why can't the=20
web page use that?

Given that very little on www.kde.org has a license currently, there is no=
evidence that www.kde.org contributors feel *that* strongly about the=20

> I also would prefer that we not force that the text be modifiable.=20
> E.g., the GNU Public License (the license itself) is not modifiable, yet
> I do not think we want to ban it from kde.org.  There are other things
> like that - think for example of the KDE eV statutes, those cannot just
> be changed by anyone.  The examples of corporate logos have also been
> mentioned.  Another one I have personal experience with is the press
> releases - I do not think people providing quotes for example will ever
> agree that you can change them to say whatever you want.

But we should have the right to fix markup, to reorganize the site layout,=
to remove or update obsolete pages, and to distribute to users and mirrors=
(who are then given the right to re-distribute), shouldn't we?  *Some*=20
minimum license is needed.

> I also do not think that any "automatic" license scheme is enforceable.=20
> I think par. b/c of the abuse by media conglomerates it now takes some
> rather informed consent to give up or license your copyrights.  Good
> thing in general, whether it is good for KDE or not is another question
> . . . .

This would be very nice to make consistent, after that earlier discusson of=
People of KDE.

> How to resolve all these issues is difficult and explains why currently
> the licensing is not as clear as one would hope.

No, it may not be clear now, but it needs to be made clear for the future. =
=2D --=20
Neil Stevens - neil@qualityassistant.com
"Distinctions by race are so evil, so arbitrary and insidious that a
state bound to defend the equal protection of the laws must not allow
them in any public sphere." -- Thurgood Marshall
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