Fwd: Hayes

Charles Samuels kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 06:23:59 -0800

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 29 January 2003 6:08, Carsten Pfeiffer wrote:
> An independent judge has to weigh the pros and cons. I.e. whether the
> functionality provided by Hayes weighs up the missing properties
> implementation. And IMHO it does, for many users. Especially if there
> doesn't seem to be any plugin using those properties in CVS. And even more
> as Hayes itself is optional.

Except when a user does try to use one of these plugins, and it doesn't work, 
the user who doesn't know what properties are will be complaining to me.

> I don't want to reject the usefulness of those properties, I just think
> that they are IMHO not a sufficient reason to exclude Hayes from
> distribution.

So, how about I wrote a rock solid stable QStyle that doesn't implement 
drawing QLCDWidget, because I've never seen a useful app that used it.  And 
then I'll /insist/ that it go in cvs, and refuse to allow anyone to add 
QLCDWidget support.

- -Charles

- -- 
Charles Samuels <charles@kde.org>
"Pacifism implies quite a bit of wisdom" -- Maksim Orlovich
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