Fwd: Hayes

Neil Stevens kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Tue, 28 Jan 2003 18:35:07 -0800

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday January 28, 2003 09:11, Carsten Pfeiffer wrote:
> > 3. Hayes integrates with Konqueror (both allowing easy opening of a
> > Konqueror window of a paricular music directory, and allowing easy
> > playback in Hayes via a Konqueror service menu).  SPL does not.=20
> > Charles suggests that there should be a way to disable the service
> > menu when Hayes isn't on, and I agree, but that can only be fixed in
> > Konqueror, not Hayes.
> This can be achieved easily by not using the ServiceMenu thing, but a
> KonqPopupMenuPlugin. Simply check noatun's config-file to see if Hayes
> is the playlist plugin or not.

Sounds good, bu I'm only going to bother to do something like this if Hayes=
is going to be in the release.  I've attempted to compromise with Charles=20
before, only to be ignored in the end.

> But please tell me that there is more to it than just the different
> method name, otherwise one might think you'd be deliberately confusing
> noatun users.

There's a fundamental difference between Hayes, and the SPL that the Noatun=
Playlist API is designed for.  addFile takes a QString or a QStringList,=20
and adds the file to the playlist, and optionally plays it.  In Hayes, you=
can't just add a file.  Hayes obeys the filesystem, no more.

So Hayes has its own, additional DCOP interface to provide access to=20
Hayes-appropriate functionality.  Noatun's interface gives no way to play=20
a file without adding it, so I gave Hayes a way.  This was added=20
specifically to support the service menu.

> > 5. Hayes has a better DCOP interface.  Charles hinted at this, that he
> > can't be added to the other Noatun playlists without breaking binary
> > compatibility.
> What about using signals or QCustomEvents for extensions without
> breaking BC?

That's up to Charles, again.  If he adds stuff, I'll add support for it if=
and only if Hayes is going to be in the release.  Other people have other=20
wishes that are a higher priority for me, if Hayes won't be in the=20

> If some people really can't agree on a technical solution, then I think
> someone else (i.e. neither the app nor the plugin maintainer) should be
> the judge. That would be the CVS module maintainer or as last resort the
> release dude.

Well, I don't see how Hayes having an additional DCOP interface would meet=
the standard of making the app "stable or less functional," so the fact=20
that Hayes adds its own DCOP interface shouldn't be a valid reason to=20
exclude the plugin.

> E.g. in this example, the missing properties-support is IMHO no reason
> to disable Hayes (I personally don't listen to shoutcast and I don't
> have those mentioned plugins that rely on properties -- they are not
> even in CVS).

Right.  I'll clarify something though:  Hayes *does* provide an interface=20
for Noatun plugins to read KFMI information.  So other plugins can *read*=20
the data, they just can't write their own new data.

> Stability problems (crashes, infinite loops) should warrant disabling a
> plugin tho.

At release time, right?

=2D --=20
Neil Stevens - neil@qualityassistant.com
"Distinctions by race are so evil, so arbitrary and insidious that a
state bound to defend the equal protection of the laws must not allow
them in any public sphere." -- Thurgood Marshall
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