Fwd: Hayes

Neil Stevens kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 16:09:12 -0800

Hash: SHA1

On Monday January 27, 2003 04:00, Charles Samuels wrote:
> Neil wrote:
> > So, then comes Hayes 1.2, which included some very nice optimizations
> > by Carsten Pfeiffer.  Carsten has asked me to return Hayes to CVS,
> > giving me
> You saying that Hayes 1.2 has very nice optimizations doesn't change any
> fact.

It changes nothing.    I asked on kde-multimedia in order to accomodate one=
of my contributors, Carsten.  As I said in the mail to kde-multimedia (=20
http://lists.kde.org/?l=3Dkde-multimedia&m=3D104302836723826 ), I'm fine=20
either way on this matter.

> > his opinion that Charles doesn't have control over kdeaddons.  Not
> > knowing what people think, I asked kde-multimedia for opinions.
> And I did not respond because I knew that, for one thing, kde-multimedia
> has a low readership, especially amongst the policy-makers.  We would
> end up arguing about this like we have time and again on IRC.

Well, no, IRC is not a decision making forum.  Only the mailing lists are=20
accessable to all developers regardless of time zone.

> > So now here we are in kde-policies, with a simple question:  Does the
> > maintainer of a plugin-based application have veto power over what
> > plugins get included in the release?  And does that veto power carry
> > over to the kdeaddons package of extra plugins, too?
> And also, how does a kdeaddons module differ from its application's
> actual module?

Yes, good question.
=2D --=20
Neil Stevens - neil@qualityassistant.com
"Distinctions by race are so evil, so arbitrary and insidious that a
state bound to defend the equal protection of the laws must not allow
them in any public sphere." -- Thurgood Marshall
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