Fwd: Hayes

Andreas Pour kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Mon, 27 Jan 2003 15:59:30 -0600

David Faure wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Harri, sorry to say, I disagree very much that the release coordinator should
> > have final say in this.  As I think everyone knows, I have zero confidence in
> > the current release maintainer.  If any issue of mine were left to be resolved
> > by him, it would be not resolved, b/c I have no confidence in his actions, and
> > no respect for him as a person.
> What does this have to do with you? I'm sorry but you're mixing everything up here.
> And Harri's proposal has nothing to do with Dirk either - since it's about a future
> policy, where the release coordinator will be someone else.

What I am saying is that the release coordinator must be accountable if his
position is to have any legitimacy.   From what I can see, it does not have that
> Please calm down, and stop spreading FUD (all we can see is that you have
> something against Dirk, we have no way of seeing why).

There is no FUD, please don't spread FUD by accusing me of something that you
admit you don't understand :-).

Don't worry, I will be preparing an indictment against Dirk.  In short it has to
do with his assertion for about 8 months now that he has final say over all PR
materials and somehow he is the King of KDE that I should obey.  While this has
been very annoying and disturbing in the past, because I have had to ceaselessly
argue the point.

How would you like it, David, if I made demands on your KWord work, and said I
had final say over everything you do in KWord?  And I persisted in this demand
over months despite numerous hours you spent trying to tell me how I was wrong? 
And I made CVS changes right before a release w/out your knowledge or consent to
change things to how I liked them, even though in your strong opinion it broke
KWOrd, and when you confronted me politely and respectfully I would have none of
it and insisted I was right and that you must live with it?  Honestly, David,
how would you react?

Today Dirk crossed the line by purposefully hurting KDE to spite me and/or for
his own ego.

Since this is the policies list, please tell me where I should send it.  I would
prefer a private list to spare KDE this spectacle in public.

