KDE CVS Commit Policy (3rd version)

David Faure faure at kde.org
Sat Apr 12 10:17:45 CEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Saturday 12 April 2003 02:07, Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> <p><b><a name="18">Don't add generated files to the repository.</a></b></p>
>  <p>Files generated at build time like moc files, the files generated from 
>  files or Makefiles shouldn't be checked into the repository because this is
>  redundant information and might cause conflicts. Only real source file
>  should be in CVS.</p>

I think this is a bit simplistic. We do have some generated files in CVS, and 
there's a reason for that. 

I would at least add "if the tools for rebuilding the generated files are not 
an unusual requirement". If you write a e.g. ruby script to generate a cpp 
file, I'd really prefer the generated file to be in CVS (as well as the 
script of course), instead of forcing everyone to have ruby installed. A more 
tricky case is e.g. perl - do we require it nowadays? Hmm I guess libkabc 

I guess the other reason is that telling automake how to generate files before 
compiling isn't obvious to everyone - when there's no direct support from the
build system, like we have for moc and ui. Well, if coolo confirms that
kdelibs/kabc/Makefile.am does it the right way, I could add that to the 
Makefile.am howto (see sig).

- -- 
David FAURE, faure at kde.org, sponsored by TrollTech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).
How to write a Makefile.am for KDE/Qt code:
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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