KDE e.V. transparency (was: Re: Voting rights - the GNOME way)

Andreas Pour kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 23:12:10 -0600

Dirk Mueller wrote:

[ ... ]

> > You must have replied to another mail. I don't think KDE eV. is "evil".
> > I just criticize it's apparent lack of transparency and the lazyness in
> > which the board apparently works.
> KDE e.V. is not the board. KDE e.V. is what its members make out of it.

That may have been the case had the statutes not been botched, but unless you
are willing to travel to Germany for a meeting, the membership has nothing to
say except by the grace of the board.  A board which has a private list and for
which I have no idea what they do.  I'm sure MS employees have a better idea
what their board does.  This is just wrong IMO.

Again, I would like to raise the point that KDE eV is *not* suited for its
purposes.  Yes, you Germans apparently don't give a crap b/c traveling to
Germany is no big deal for you, but by having a Germany-based organization we
betray the fundamental principle of KDE that it is an international
organization.  (It's not that its organized under German law, but the fact tha
the German eV statutes are not suited for international projects.)

> > End result was that I had to pay for the ticket myself, which is OK in
> > hindsight, though at that time it was not.
> The new board makes everything better ;-)

Really?  The proof of which is . . .?
> > Then I was invited to Hamburg and become a member. We discussed many
> > things there and ended up with pretty much that would have been worth
> > publishing. But the least part of it was published until after
> > recently.
> If you think that things are missing, then please go for it and add them.
> there was a freaking long thread about the stuff on kde-ev-membership. the
> documents are in CVS, please fix the problems you see.

Making the KDE organization suitable for an international project?  Well the
only thing to do there is convince people, but the ones comfortable in Germany
apparently don't care about the rest of us, and as they have a majority, they
[ ... ]

> Also the reason for the Hamburg report not being posted earlier is as far as
> I have heard that Andreas did not post it to the dot, like he was asked
> to do so.

I'm not sure of the timeline, but IIRC I was asked 4 days ago and haven't had
the time.  Actually posting the story wasn't the big deal but IMO the document
itself needed a work-over before being published.
> Note this is hearsay, I haven't followed this. I fixed this as the problem
> came aware to me by asking Chris Howells to import the report to the
> kde-ev website (as this is where it should belong to IMNSHO anyway) and
> it happened within 20 minutes.
> Personally I'm a bit disappointed seeing Andreas talking bad about the e.V.
> here. Anyway.

Why is this turning into an "Andreas Bad" rant?  Whatever.
[ ... ]

