KDE e.V. transparency (was: Re: Voting rights - the GNOME way)

Rob Kaper kde-policies@mail.kde.org
Wed, 27 Nov 2002 02:54:42 +0100

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 27 November 2002 01:01, Dirk Mueller wrote:
> Thats pretty much it. I don't see how this can be a big anonymous and full
> of bad intentions organisation. Maybe people think of it as the evil
> because they don't know about it, and never cared enough to inform
> themselves.

I agree that a lack of information is the key here. Hey, Chris posted the 
transcript of the August meeting. Seems like this little thread is doing its 
work already.

> Besides KDE being an open internet project, it still has to care about
> real-life things. Like owning the hardware. Protecting and
> supporting individuals when they're sued for work they did for KDE.
> Supporting KDE development.
> Thats it. And I also don't see why it is so difficult to grasp that.
> > Don't get me wrong. The meeting itself was quite nice and productive,
> > but I do consider letting myself be set to "passive" membership (the
> > new membership status), since I don't see a difference between being a
> > member and not being a member anyway. But then, the board possibly
> > won't answer that request, too. :-(
> You don't have to be a member if you think the KDE Project can live without
> KDE e.V.
> What do you like more? Servers being owned by individuals? who will shut
> down the machine when they leave? like bero.org went down and we have no
> access on the KDE related data that was on it ?
> What do you like more? Domains being owned by individuals? who will remove
> the content and replace it with a redirection to fuckinghotgirls.com ?
> What do you like more? Having no protection when being sued because you
> wasted your free time on some anonymous internet project where nobody is
> there to support or help you ?
> What do you like more? Being reimbursed of costs you had to spend to help
> KDE? Or just paying it from your own private money and feeling bitter about
> somebody else getting the big cheque from <foobarcompany> because of work
> you (also) did?
> What do you like more? KDE being dragged down by individuals all working on
> different things and having different goals or by having some well-agreed
> on guidelines (agreed on by those who wrote most of the KDE code) which
> show the direction KDE wants to go?
> What do you like more? KDE infrastructure cultivated by people being
> committed to KDE or KDE services or contents being deleted/removed or
> irrevertible altered because of individuals who just happen to have to root
> accounts password ?
> If you think to all these questions that the KDE e.V should not have the
> power to do it then you're pretty much alone I'm afraid, and it might
> indeed be better for you to not being a KDE e.V. member.

- -- 
Rob Kaper     | Gimme some love, gimme some skin,
cap@capsi.com | if we ain't got that then we ain't got much
www.capsi.com | and we ain't got nothing, nothing! -- "Nothing" by A
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