Voting rights - the GNOME way

Harri Porten
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 13:54:50 +0100 (CET)

Hi !

In case we'll discuss setting up voting procedures for anything one day:

Criteria for voting rights will be an important factor and it doesn't hurt
to look at what others do to verify eligibility. While we don't have (and
maybe don't want) something like the GNOME foundation (with a board of
directors) it may still useful to look at their criteria and procedures to
have voting rights. After all we'd also like to have a forum with a fair
representation of KDE members.

Point 3 of the rules for their next election says

"Members of the GNOME Foundation as of November 1, 2002 are eligible to
vote in the election. Anyone who has made a contribution to GNOME can
apply for membership by completing the application."

The application form at

states that the candidate should have "contributed to a
non-trivial improvement in the GNOME Project" and asks for details. It
also suggest to name indivduals "who can help the membership committee
determine your eligibility" or other factors that should be considered.

The application will be reviewed by a committee. It bases its decision on
the Membership Policy described here
