KDE PIM Sprint Toulouse 2024

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Tue Mar 5 08:28:39 GMT 2024


On Monday, 4 March 2024 19:54:50 CET Andre Heinecke wrote:
> On Sunday, 25 February 2024 15:47:43 CET Kevin Ottens wrote:
> > The venue we had last year for the PIM sprint in Toulouse is willing to
> > host us again.
> :/ I was offering the offices of g10 Code of Erkrath in Düsseldorf, Carl and
> Volker wanted to ask Laurent if he might attend such a sprint. Since out of
> the 8 polled users 5 are from Germany, one is czech and maybe Ingo and me
> would make this 7 Germans one Czech and two French people.
> With that said a sprint in Germany would make much more sense to me. But a
> PIM sprint without Laurent is also not really useful.
> Carl could pick up Laurent at the Airport and assist him throughout. We have
> a decent hotel just 50m away from the office. Btw. I am open to at least
> keep the sprint going in the weekdays for the g10 Code people and whomever
> else might find the time,

Yes, you made abundantly clear last year that you hate the area. So I admit I 
expected such a response. :-)

Now to me it's not necessarily a problem that you offered your offices and 
that we have this place in Toulouse.

If there are two easily available venues, that gives a chance of having two 
sprints in the year again. With the increased activity it'd only make sense.

You probably don't want both of them too close to each other though, that's 
it. So if I were you I'd start with the organization in a couple of months 
aiming for late Autumn/early Winter. I mean... I started organizing this in 
January and it'll apparently be in June.

> > I noted down the Friday when everyone is supposed to arrive in Toulouse,
> > of course assume the sprint will go on from the Friday afternoon to the
> > Sunday afternoon.
> > The dates in the poll are based on conversations with Volker around
> I will not travel to Toulouse for what amounts to basically just one day of
> work. Maybe I can attend remotely?

Well, in practice it's more like one full day and two half-days if you plan 
your travel accordingly... even more if like Volker you use the opportunity to 
test Itinerary and collect data on the way. :-)

As for "attending remotely" we can probably do something about it yes. It's 
not the dark ages in Toulouse we have some connectivity at the venue. It'll 
probably make it even more important for you to communicate in advance the 
conversations you really want to be involved in though. In my experience this 
requires a bit more planning ahead.

Kevin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

enioka Haute Couture - proud supporting member of KDE
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