July/August KDE PIM summary blog post

David Jarvie djarvie at kde.org
Fri Sep 2 16:09:00 BST 2022

On Thursday, 25 August 2022 16:27:03 BST Volker Krause wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> it's time for the bi-monthly blog post again :)
> If you have contributed in July or August, a summary of your most
> noteworthy changes would be helpful, bonus points for corresponding
> screenshots or links to already existing blog posts. If you noticed
> something noteworthy during the past two months, feel free to add that as
> well of course!
> To help refresh your memories and to make sure we aren't missing anything
> important, there's two files attached here, an auto-generated detailed
> changelog (this tends to be 30-50% of the commits, using David F's changelog
> scripts for KF5 releases), and basic commit stats for the PIM repositories.
> Additionally, we need help with compiling, editing and eventually publishing
> the blog post. Ideally this rotates between a number of people so that
> everyone has to do that only once per year or so.
> Carl did the last one
> (https://carlschwan.eu/2022/07/04/kde-pim-in-may-and-june/), who wants to
> do this one?
> Thanks for your help!
> Volker


- Set volume correctly for repeated audio alarms (https://bugs.kde.org/

- Fix regression in 22.08 which displayed wrongly formatted times in some 

- Some improvements to Qt6 compatibility

David Jarvie.
KDE developer, KAlarm author.

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