I want to bug-fix on Akregator; maybe I need a mentor

Bill Dietrich bill at billdietrich.me
Sun Nov 13 12:29:55 GMT 2022


I would like to do some bug-fixing on the back end
of Akregator (storage, feeds).  I had hoped to get
started without bothering anyone, but now I'm stuck.
So I guess I need a mentor, or at least some help.

I installed KDE Neon in a VM and followed the docs
to install the dev environment.  Using the headers
and libraries in Neon (not building all of Qt and KDE
myself), and kdesrc-build, I was able to build Akregator
and run it.  I started looking at the source code,
and trying to create a new auto-test.

Then the Akregator source code updated, and my build has
been broken ever since (more than a week), and I can't
fix it.  The build wants "KF5GrantleeTheme" 5.22.40,
and I have 5.21.40.  Neon has updated several times in
the last week or so, but this issue never gets fixed.

So, do I need a mentor ?  Or should I set up my dev
environment differently ?  I tried to change kdesrc-buildrc
to build all of Qt locally, but that failed.  I don't
know much about Qt and KF5 and KDE and QML, but for
the kind of work I want to do, I shouldn't need to, I hope.

Thanks for any help,

Bill Dietrich

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