November/December KDE PIM summary blog post

Carl Schwan carl at
Sat Dec 31 07:40:39 GMT 2022

Le mercredi 28 décembre 2022 à 10:02 AM, Volker Krause <vkrause at> a écrit :

> Hello everyone,
> it's time for the bi-monthly blog post again :)
> If you have contributed in November or December, a summary of your most
> noteworthy changes would be helpful, bonus points for corresponding
> screenshots or links to already existing blog posts. If you noticed something
> noteworthy during the past two months, feel free to add that as well of
> course!
> To help refresh your memories and to make sure we aren't missing anything
> important, there's two files attached here, an auto-generated detailed
> changelog (this tends to be 30-50% of the commits, using David F's changelog
> scripts for KF5 releases), and basic commit stats for the PIM repositories.
> The previous one was done by Kévin:
> news-from-kde-pim-in-september-october-2022/
> Thanks for your help!
> Volker

## Kalendar

The settings and about page were ported to the new Kirigami Addons MobileForm.
And the menubar is now more flexible and modular, so that each view now has its
own menubar that will be displayed when the view is displayed.
* Replace location field in incidence editor page with a combobox (bug 462166)
* Don't open link twice (bug 455791)
* Use pixel perfect size for icons (bug 462175)
* Show tooltip in IncidenceInfoContents for icons (bug 462174)
* Fix final month dates in schedule view BUG:461200 (bug 461200)
We also fixed a few bugs:

* Replace location field in incidence editor page with a combobox (bug 462166)
* Don't open link twice (bug 455791)
* Use pixel perfect size for icons (bug 462175)
* Show tooltip in IncidenceInfoContents for icons (bug 462174)
* Fix final month dates in schedule view BUG:461200 (bug 461200)

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