May/June KDE PIM summary blog post

Ingo Klöcker kloecker at
Mon Jun 28 20:40:33 BST 2021

On Montag, 28. Juni 2021 19:17:07 CEST Volker Krause wrote:
> If you have contributed in May or June, a quick summary of your most
> noteworthy changes would be helpful, bonus points for corresponding
> screenshots. If you noticed something noteworthy during the past two months,
> feel free to add that as well of course!

## Kleopatra
* Support for trust signatures / trusted introducers (= equivalent of 
intermediate CAs for OpenPGP)
* Support for displaying information about OpenPGP keys stored on PKCS# 15 and 
other smartcard apps
* Fixed configuration of LDAP keyserver for OpenPGP
* Improved configuration of LDAP keyservers for X.509; support for extended 
configuration added in GnuPG 2.2.28
* Support for specifying an expiration date for certifications
* Support for updating the expiration date of all subkeys together with the 
expiration date of the primary key

Most of the changes require the latest versions of GnuPG and GpgME. Some 
changes even depend on the development versions.

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