[pim/kmail] doc/kmail2: Update copyright dates, release level. The documentation for kmail2 is now (almost) up to date.

David Bryant davidbryant at gvtc.com
Thu Aug 19 13:36:37 BST 2021

On Thursday, August 19, 2021 6:15:38 AM CDT David Bryant wrote:
> Git commit 49ff086f7363c0300d4099e78fd0a54fa5d18bb0 by David Bryant.
> Committed on 19/08/2021 at 11:15.
> Pushed by davidbryant into branch 'master'.
> Update copyright dates, release level. The documentation for kmail2 is now
> (almost) up to date.

I'm just about finished with revising the documentation for Kmail. The last 
thing that ought to be done is to update the list of authors in the "Credits 
and Licenses" section. I see a couple of remarks in the XML code.

<!-- please keep in sync with the authors list on the webpage -->

<!-- don't modify manually, this list is generated: -->

I have no idea which web page that comment is talking about. And if the list 
was once "generated" by a script or something, I'd like to know where to find 
the script. It clearly isn't working correctly. Or it hasn't been run in a 
long time.

Right now I have KMail 5.17.3 running (Gentoo). The "About Kmail" widget lists 
several authors (Thomas McGuire, Volker Krause, Matt Douhan, a few others) who 
are not listed in "Credits and Licenses". At a minimum, I think these two 
lists should be kept in sync.

Does anybody know something about all this? I'm all ears. There's probably an 
XML document in the source code for KMail somewhere that lists all the authors 
/ contributors shown by the widget. I guess I'll go look for that.

As always, any help you can give me will be deeply appreciated.
David Bryant
Canyon Lake, Texas

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