KPilot revival - sync concept and how to integrate with anaconda

Andreas Nicolai andreas.nicolai at
Wed Mar 11 07:52:59 GMT 2020

Hi all,

I've managed to get pilot-link and coldsync to build again (on Ubuntu
18.04 that is, but should work on Suse/Fedora systems as well), and also
to get it to communicate with the Palm via serial connection (Bluetooth,
Network, USB are to be investigated later).

In any case, I've managed to get the address and calender db downloaded
and uploaded (actually, coldsync does a pretty good job here).

Now regarding the sync with the anaconda framework, what do I need on
minimum to sync addresses with the anaconda framework? Is there a
(hopefully simple tutorial/example) on how to insert new entries into
the anaconda db? First step would be to transfer the palm entries to
anaconda (with some sort of mapping table and heuristics, to identify
types of data stored under "other" as plain strings).


PS: For those who might be interested, you can follow my progress on

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