CI system maintainability

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Fri Mar 29 21:19:40 GMT 2019

On Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 10:35 PM David Faure <faure at> wrote:
> On jeudi 28 mars 2019 16:56:33 CET laurent Montel wrote:
> > CI: sometime I look at it, sometime not, sometime some guys informs me that
> > it's broken (I remember that Luca told me some days ago that a package
> > didn't compile, so I fixed it).
> I think the solution to all this is quite simple. If you don't want the
> community to impose mandatory code reviews on you, you need to make it part of
> your daily workflow to look at the state of CI for KDEPIM.
> If you go to, Applications, Everything kf5-qt5, and sort by
> status, you can see what's currently broken (red = compilation broken, yellow
> = unittests failing).
> I do this (on a frequency matching my own contributions) for all of
> Frameworks, so I'm often the one pinging others about broken unittests.
> Someone (who is not Ben) needs to do this for PIM, and as the most frequent
> contributor, it would make sense for you to do it -- you'd often catch your
> own breakages that way :)
> @Ben : do you think it would be possible to have a PIM view on,
> with only the kde/pim/* repos?

That's theoretically possible, but also non-trivial. I'll have a think
about how to best implement this.

> (I also wish there was a linux-only view, given that Windows and FreeBSD have
> their own set of problems. Not that I want to ignore them, I did fix things in
> KF5 for those platforms - but once we get to a completely green state on Linux
> (which typically happens first), it would be extremely useful to be able to
> check in one glance that it stays that way.)

This now exists :)

> @Laurent : do you also have permissions to log into and trigger
> a build? I find this useful, to fix temporary CI problems, like
> korganizer/job/stable-kf5-qt5%20SUSEQt5.10/24/console
> which failed with a weird "OSError: [Errno 26] Text file busy: '/home/
> jenkins//install-prefix/bin/kdeinit5'".

That is indeed a very weird error. I'm not sure why that would have
happened (best guess: overlayfs had a glitch, or the system ran out of
disk space which can definitely happen)

> Going one level up, I can click on, well, "Lancer un build" (why is this damn
> thing in French --- well, Frenglish? ;) ), to give it another chance.

Seems like Jenkins respects/follows (or at least tries) your browser
language preferences :)

> --
> David Faure, faure at,
> Working on KDE Frameworks 5


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