Franck franck.arrecot at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 13:42:00 GMT 2019

Hi all,

Please MP me to let me know if you'll need funding from KDE e.v and if so,
how much do you estimate you'll need (hotel I booked for the ones that told
me to is ~115€ total).
It'll help me estimate the amount to report to the board so refunds can go
smoothly once the sprint is done.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 1:37 PM Franck <franck.arrecot at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your participation to the pool guys.
> After some discussions with our new venue partner, we will be able to
> organize the PIM Sprint the 6/7 of April 2019.
> The venue should be located in the center of Toulouse again, I can book a
> hotel room for you guys at the usual Ibis if you want to ( just PM me :)
> So in short: you can book your trip from now :)
> Cheers.
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2019 at 3:22 PM Franck <franck.arrecot at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello there,
>> I am currently trying to figure a way to organize PIM Sprint in toulouse
>> 19. The usual venue we had might not be available anymore but I'm searching
>> for a replacement.
>> In order to ease my scope I'd like to have an idea of the week end we
>> could manage to gather ppl around to hack on PIM, so here goes the survey
>> guys :
>> https://framadate.org/oepBLWPYennjWOv8
>> PLEASE DO VOTE QUICKLY (you can always change the vote afterwards anyway)
>> Cheers.
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