T11028: kde-pim mailing list archives empty

Martin Steigerwald noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Jun 6 21:21:34 BST 2019

heliosmartin added a comment.

  Oh, I just remembered that I do have a filter for CI messages in place.
  "From: CI System <noreply at kde.org>"
  And an older one: "Subject: Jenkins-kde-ci"
  And well I just had it move those mails into trashcan, so these are all gone.
  Replies to CI system messages should be there.
  If this is a blocker, then it has to be the dump of someone else. Did not think of it initially.


To: heliosmartin
Cc: ikloecker, vkrause, knauss, bcooksley, dvratil, #kde_pim, heliosmartin, sysadmin
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