Testing and testability in KDE PIM

Denis Kurz denis.kurz at posteo.de
Wed Oct 31 13:32:46 GMT 2018

Am Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018, 14:07:39 CET schrieb Denis Kurz:
> How are chances to land mere refactoring changes, like [...]

I forgot to mention a kind of refactoring that I have a particular interest 
in: How about refactorings that improve readability or maintainability or 
testability, but, in theory, have a negative impact on performance, even if no 
benchmark has ever shown that the code in question is critical for overall 

Refactorings that could fit that description: making a method virtual although 
production doesn't require it to be virtual (special case: extract an 
interface to be able to mock or stub a class), or replacing conditions, or 
switch statements, with polymorphism.

The answer is quite clear if a patch doesn't deliver, so assume that the patch 
really does improve read/maintain/test-ability.
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