D16246: korgac: For no grab avoid mouse cursor when placing window

David Fries noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Oct 17 15:12:58 BST 2018

dfries added a comment.

  KWindowSystem::setUserTime(winId(), 0);
  "The most common case is the special value 0 which means not to activate the window after being shown."  Whatever that means, because I called it before QDialog::show(); (the documentation doesn't say and I'm assuming if you've already called show() it's too late),  and didn't see a getting focus behavior difference in fvwm or kde (tested without this patch, so the Reminder window appeared where it was last).
    // KDE with "Focus Follows Mouse - Mouse Precedence"
    // called with 0, mouse not under window, gets focus
    // not called, mouse not under window, gets focus
    // KDE with "Click to Focus"
    // called with 0, mouse not under window, doesn't get focus
    // not called, mouse not under window, doesn't get focus
    // called with 0, mouse under window, gets focus
    // not called, mouse under window, gets focus
  "there's still the window decoration and mouse pointer size that you would need to take into account"
  +            // need to include the frame which can be under the cursor
  +            QRect withFrame = frameGeometry();
  That is to take care of the window decorations.
  I don't see the mouse pointer size mattering, just the single pixel hot point.
  Opinions?  Will it be accepted if I fix up the patch, or do I just drop it?  Most of the time I put the Reminder in the corner and so with the rest of the patches it doesn't get triggered.
  I will need someone to push them for me once the sequence has been approved, I'll fixup D16245 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D16245> tonight.

  R210 KOrganizer


To: dfries, mlaurent, dvratil
Cc: dvratil, kde-pim, dvasin, rodsevich, winterz, vkrause, mlaurent, knauss
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