T7846: akonadi > MySQL ERD Review

Pablo Sanchez noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Feb 2 01:38:47 GMT 2018

pablo added a comment.

  **Round #2 **
  I've spot-checked the ERD's and they appear to be correct based on the provided SQL.  In fact, I pointed the ERD tool to my Neon VM and told it to reverse engineer the run-time akonadi database.
  - The Alternate Key is on (name, ns).  Is it necessary to  use both columns?
  //Associative Tables do not have a Surrogate Key - slight anti-pattern//
  A logical many-to-many relationship is physically implemented by creating an //Associative Table//.  For example, in the ERD //PIMItemTagRelation// is such a table as it resolves the many-to-many between **[PIMItemTable]** and **[TagTable]**.
  The anti-pattern is that most (not all) of these tables do not have a //surrogate key// (e.g. **id** defined as an //identity// data type) as the other tables.
  Furthermore, If an associative table is a parent to another table, then it **does** gets a surrogate id.  I understand the variance.
  An additional issue with these tables, those without a surrogate id, is the primary key is composed of the foreign keys.  Nearly all of these tables have two parents so we end up with an index like the following:  (FK1, FK2).  The problem is there is no supporting index should we Join only with FK.  To solve that, the model defines an index on FK2.
  The exception to the above is **[RelationTable]**, it has three parents.  As expected, the composite key is on its three FK's and two additional indexes, one on FK2 and one on FK3 is created.
  What I recommend we (eventually) do is:
  - Ensure we can drop the existing, composite Primary Key
  - Add a surrogate id to each table and make it the Primary Key
  - Create separate indexes on each Foreign Key
  By doing the above, the optimizer/planner can determine the most selective index to use when determining an execution plan for a query.  Additionally, all the tables are consistent which means any functionally dependent code is also consistent.
  - I would investigate further whether the index on **(name, parentId)** is necessary.  It is possible it's necessary if we have an extremely high fan-out from the parent to the next level of children (e.g. 20, 50, 100 next-level children)?
  - Generally indexes on low cardinality columns (e.g. gender) are not helpful.  Unless of course one is fetching only by that column **and** perhaps a small percentage of the data qualifies by the value.  With this in mind, I would investigate if we need indexes on //enabled//, //syncPref//, //displayPref// and //indexPref//.  I suspect we should be able to drop them.  I'm curious to know the SQL which uses these columns.  I suspect other columns are used which would have existing supporting indexes.
  F5687811: akonadi-mysql.pdf <https://phabricator.kde.org/F5687811>
  F5687812: akonadi-mysql-birds-eye.pdf <https://phabricator.kde.org/F5687812>


To: pablo
Cc: dvratil, kde-pim, pablo
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