Fwd: KDE CI: Applications kdepim-addons kf5-qt5 FreeBSDQt5.10 - Build # 53 - Still Failing!

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Sat Aug 4 13:22:28 BST 2018

On Saturday, 4 August 2018 12:42:44 CEST Daniel Vrátil wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> we have a weird failure on CI on FreeBSD due to:
> error: no member named 'AllowWindowActivationFromJavaScript' in
> 'QWebEngineSettings'
> error: no member named 'ShowScrollBars' in 'QWebEngineSettings'
> those enums were added in Qt 5.10 according to the documentation and it
> builds fine on Linux, so it looks like the QtWebEngine on FreeBSD is
> somewhat special. Can you check what QtWebEngine we really have on FreeBSD
> on the CI?

That's pretty straighforward: although FreeBSD has Qt 5.10, it's really "Qt 
5.10 except for WebEngine, because nothing in KDE needed 5.10 WebEngine at the 
time and the releases of WebEngine are mostly too horrible to get working on 
FreeBSD so we kept Qt WebEngine 5.9.5".

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