D5664: make log file name unique

Daniel Vrátil noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed May 3 09:35:15 BST 2017

dvratil added a comment.

  Most resources only have single command session, the only exception I think are Agents that use the Kernel, which probably spawns its own Session. But that should be disambiguated in the 3rd argument (mSesionId), which would be different - sessionId is either set explicitly (then in case of agents the main Session would be called akonadi_foo_agent and the second one would be called whatever the Kernel names it), or is generated randomly:
    void SessionPrivate::init(const QByteArray &id)
        } else {
            sessionId = QCoreApplication::instance()->applicationName().toUtf8()
                            + '-' + QByteArray::number(qrand());
  Are you seeing the conflict in some specific agent?

  R165 Akonadi


To: mkoller, dvratil
Cc: #kde_pim, dvasin, ach, winterz, vkrause, mlaurent, knauss, dvratil
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