Folder deletion problem (Re: Problem with imap resource)
Daniel Vrátil
dvratil at
Fri Jan 13 09:37:08 GMT 2017
On Friday, January 13, 2017 9:47:53 AM CET David Faure wrote:
> On vendredi 13 janvier 2017 09:18:41 CET David Faure wrote:
> > Any idea why only followupreminder_agent is getting a proper ancestor
> > chain?
> Answer: because it's the only one that had the parent in the collectionCache
> (for some reason).
> MonitorPrivate::emitNotification and
> MonitorPrivate::emitCollectionNotification are the problem here.
> When it works, it's because
> const Collection parent =
> collectionCache->retrieve(colNtf.parentCollection()); found the parent in
> the cache.
> Compare
> akonadi_newmailnotifier_agent(9273)/default
> Akonadi::MonitorPrivate::emitNotification: collectionCache for 948 said 948
> remoteid= "inbox" name= "inbox" with
> akonadi_maildir_resource_0(9267)/default
> Akonadi::MonitorPrivate::emitNotification: collectionCache for 948 said -50
> remoteid= "" name= ""
> After that, emitCollectionNotification simply does:
> parent = Collection(msg.parentCollection());
> which sets it to id=948 remoteId="", and further down
> collection.setParentCollection(parent);
> which stores that into the collection that is then passed to
> collectionRemoved().
> This all seems quite fragile, it all depends on what's in collectionCache.
> And MonitorPrivate::ensureDataAvailable says it can't fill that cache in
> case of collection removals.
> if (msg.type() == Protocol::Command::CollectionChangeNotification
> && static_cast<const Protocol::CollectionChangeNotification
> &>(msg).operation() == Protocol::CollectionChangeNotification::Remove) {
> //For collection removals the collection is gone anyways, so we can't fetch
> it. Rid will be set later on instead. return true;
> }
> How is this supposed to work then?
Indeed, this is broken. This is actually broken more than you think, with no
easy way to fix it completely. It's possible that it worked previously simply
because maybe an item change event in the collection just before removal
(maybe triggered when you opened the folder and KMail selected an email in
there) caused the CollectionCache to be populated. Then you removed the folder
and it worked. Something might have changed, or the cache gets expired in the
meantime...and now it's broken :)
Attached is a patch that should fix it a little, please give it a try. In
Collection removal case we indeed can no longer retrieve the removed
collection from Akonadi, because it no logner exists in the DB, so the patch
below at leats tries to retrieve the parent collection and it's ancestor
chain. Thanks to this the collectionCache->retrieve(colNtf.parentCollection())
call in emitCollectionNotification() should succeed and return a full ancestor
chain. I did not test the patch myself though.
The bigger problem is when you delete a Collection with sub-collections. The
server will emit the notifications starting with the outter-most collections
going back to the parent you actually removed, but by the time the
notification about the leaf collection gets to a Monitor in a client and the
Monitor requests its parent collection, the parent collection might not longer
exist either in the server either and then it fails again.
The only real fix for all these problems is Notification Payloads, i.e.
sending the actual changed entities as part of the notification instead of
Monitor retrieving them. That's the only way to correctly "snapshot" the state
of things at the time the notification was created (and it does improve
performance quite a bit). Maybe I should move it up on my todo list
again...but for now this patch should fix the most immediate problem.
Daniel Vrátil | dvratil at
IRC: dvratil on Freenode (#kde, #kontact, #akonadi, #fedora-kde)
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