D7285: pim-sieve-editor: sieveeditormainwindow: use QPointer to protect crash of ImportImapSettingWizard

Laurent Montel noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Aug 15 19:09:42 BST 2017

mlaurent added a comment.

  I spoke about a real test case not a hypothetical testcase.
  It's a wizard modal to apps => we can"t close it.
  "qdbus org.kde.sieveeditor /MainApplication org.qtproject.Qt.QCoreApplication.quit" close apps + wizard without crash.
  So if it's forbidden to use a element which has a QEventLoops on stack we need to have a policy for it as when I look at kdepim source code we use it in several place.
  I never see in Qt doc that it's forbidden.

  R213 PIM Sieve Editor


To: winterz, mlaurent
Cc: dvratil, dkurz, #kde_pim, dvasin, winterz, vkrause, mlaurent, knauss
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