Batch-reset RID -> empty RID with maildir

Martin Koller kollix at
Sat Apr 29 14:42:26 BST 2017


as already mentioned last week, the change 66b87061f5 (see T3904 in Phab)
leads to an item sometimes ending up no longer having its RID (I'm only testing maildir).

The commit comment says
"This change reset RID of all moves Items and only emits the RID
    as part of the change notification. The Monitor then retrieves the
    Item without the RID and restores the RID from the Notification,
    so this is absolutely transparent to Resources."

can you explain these steps a bit in more detail, please ?
What happens (or should happen) here in which order ?

I found situations like this:
- maildir and mailfilter get notified about a new item
- maildir sends a message to set the RID
- mailfilter sends the move command
- in the DB we now have no RID

You can reproduce this with the attached test-resource, which creates 20 new items.
When you have some filters defined (I have ~20 before the matching one),
where one then moves these new mails into some
other folder, I often end up having 2-3 items without RID in the DB

Best regards/Schöne Grüße

A: Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion
Q: Why is top posting bad?

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail 
/\                        - against proprietary attachments

Geschenkideen, Accessoires, Seifen, Kulinarisches:
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