Akonadi: Lookup Contact by UID Help please
Klaas Freitag
kraft at freisturz.de
Tue Apr 18 20:07:20 BST 2017
Am 18.04.2017 um 12:01 schrieb Daniel Vrátil:
Hi Dan,
thanks for your help. We make progress ;-)
>> The UID that I have stored in Kraft is
>> df6748f1-c13d-438c-a4d3-86d395630f92. But look what delve is retrieving
>> as the UID, it is kind of scrambled. The name rubilos markotiris makes
>> sense.
>> Can you explain that?
> The "scrambling" is because for some reason, the UID is indexed as a plain
> text, so Xapian indexes each part of the UID independently (split by the dash-
> signs) an in arbitrary order. It means that you should be able to search for
> any contacts with UID that contains "438c", but that does not really make any
> sense and nobody will ever do it. We should fix this and only index UIDs as
> terms.
> In Akonadi Console -> Browser open your contacts collection where the contact
> you are trying to search for exists and click the contact. In the lower part
> go to the "Internals" tab and check the "ID". It should say 3. If it does,
> then we have a problem somewhere in Akonadi.
That seems to be the case. The ID _is_ 3.
I tested something different and searched for the email rather than the
the UID, otherwise no change. That worked perfectly fine, the Contact
was returned.
So the problem seems to only exist when searching for UID.
Just a wild guess: Maybe there is a number versus string problem
somewhere in the underlying code? Maybe the UID is expected as numerical
type somewhere?
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