[Kde-pim] Reminder: licensing issues in kdepim

Luca Beltrame lbeltrame at kde.org
Wed May 25 10:07:57 BST 2016

Hello people,

I said this yesterday on IRC, but I'm posting it here to raise
awareness and so that it doesn't get lost.

openSUSE legal review found two problems:

- kdepim-addons has incompatible licenses: the adblock code is GPLv3+,
  but there are *loads* of code that is GPL v2 *only*, making it
  incompatible. Solutions: The GPL v2 code needs to be relicensed v2+ or
  the GPLv3+ code relicensed (not possible, it's from Qupzilla) or moved
- grantleetheme is forcibly GPLv2 *only*, because although there are
  LGPL bits and GPLv2+ headers, there are several headers that are
  GPLv2 only.

These issues prevent adoption of Applications 16.04 and future ones in
openSUSE, and the first one actually makes kdepim-addons legally non

Can this be fixed?

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