[Kde-pim] heads up on new kmail crash

Sergio Martins smartins at kde.org
Thu Oct 22 00:10:20 BST 2015


Just so you don't spend time investigating the crash that happens when 
clicking on a folder in kmail if you have latest kiconthemes

 Invalid read of size 2
    at 0x14950E8B: QPixmap::QPixmap(QPixmap const&) (qpixmap.cpp:220)
    by 0x1306F6E7: KPixmapSequence::frameAt(int) const (in /d/lib64/
    by 0xD6C9C47: Akonadi::DelegateAnimator::sequenceFrame(QModelIndex const&) 
(in /d/lib64/libKF5AkonadiWidgets.so.4.89.0)
    by 0xD6B0777: 
QModelIndex const&) const (in /d/lib64/libKF5AkonadiWidgets.so.4.89.0)
    by 0x1457A2DB: QStyledItemDelegate::paint(QPainter*, QStyleOptionViewItem 
const&, QModelIndex const&) const (qstyleditemdelegate.cpp:409)
    by 0xD6B08BA: Akonadi::CollectionStatisticsDelegate::paint(QPainter*, 
QStyleOptionViewItem const&, QModelIndex const&) const (in /d/lib64/
    by 0x1452EA0F: QTreeView::drawRow(QPainter*, QStyleOptionViewItem const&, 
QModelIndex const&) const (qtreeview.cpp:1768)
    by 0x14533D76: QTreeView::drawTree(QPainter*, QRegion const&) const 
    by 0x14538922: QTreeView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*) (qtreeview.cpp:1327)
    by 0x142E8737: QWidget::event(QEvent*) (qwidget.cpp:9074)
    by 0x143CF91D: QFrame::event(QEvent*) (qframe.cpp:544)
    by 0x144FA42B: QAbstractItemView::viewportEvent(QEvent*) 
    by 0x145397BB: QTreeView::viewportEvent(QEvent*) (qtreeview.cpp:1309)

It's an out-of-bounds access when calling KPixmapSequence::frameAt(int) .
The latest kiconthemes from master now uses breeze as the default theme, and 
breeze doesn't have our spinning image called "process-working", at least on 
my system.

Harald, your commit says breeze fallsback to oxygen, but  I'm getting /usr/
share/icons/breeze/mimetypes/22/unknown.svg when asking for "process-working" 
icon. Any idea ?

It's also probably a good idea to patch akonadi or  KPixmapSequence::frameAt 
to not crash on bad icons :)

Sérgio Martins
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